
Competition Committee

Chairman and Treasurer Onur Gokdemir  -
Asst. Secretary and Press Officer Rob Parker -
Club Representative Ian Scott (Lonsdale F.C.)

Instructions to clubs competing

Please take a few moments to note below the following procedures for matches in this competition which may differ to your usual procedures in league competitions.

  • ARRANGEMENT OF MATCHES: Both sides should liaise with each other and their leagues to find a suitable date to play the match. The first drawn side becomes the home side and has first choice on venue.
  • APPOINTMENT OF REFEREES: It's generally accepted that the league of the home side in the tie shall appoint a referee wherever possible. Where this is not possible, speak with Onur Gokdemir or Rob Parker to assist with arranging a referee.
  • NO PRE-MATCH TEAMSHEETS REQUIRED: As this competition involves teams from different leagues, there is no teamsheet requirement for the West Essex Cup. Just provide the referee with the names of the substitutes before kick-off.
  • REPEATED (ROLLING) SUBSTITUTES: This competition operates a repeated substitutes rule therefore 5 substitutes are permitted on a repeated/rolling basis. The appointed referee must be provided with the names of the substitutes prior to kick-off.
  • NO EXTRA-TIME/PENALTIES: If scores are level after normal time, there is no extra-time to be played. A penalty shootout shall decide the tie if required.
  • REFEREES FEES are paid by the AWAY team (£45).
  • TELEPHONING RESULT: WINNING club must notify Onur Gokdemir of the result of the match on 07799 065 965. Additionally, BOTH clubs must notify their own league's results officer with the result.
  • CLUBS' RESULTS SHEET: Both clubs must complete a results sheet (see link below) with details of who took part in the match and email that directly to within 7 days of the match: RESULTS SHEET 
  • REFEREE'S MATCH REPORT: Appointed referees to complete report on link below and email directly to Onur Gokdemir - DOWNLOAD FORM 

Competition Rules


1. The Competition shall be called “The West Essex Sunday Charity Cup” and shall be managed by a Committee comprising the Officers of the Competition and representatives of the competing clubs, all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, with four members forming a quorum for the transaction of any business. The Competition, affiliated to the Essex County Football Association, shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws of the Football Association and, on Cup Tie principle, shall consist of the Clubs whose names are annually returned by the appointed date on the relevant form to the Essex County Football Association.  The area covered by the competition shall be approved by the Management Committee.

Unless otherwise agreed by the Management Committee, the Competition shall comprise of two knock-out cup competitions, namely the “West Essex Sunday Charity Cup” and “West Essex Sunday Charity Trophy” with qualification for entrance to each competition being decided on an annual basis at the AGM.


2. Applications for Membership are to be made by the 30th of June. Entrance fees of £35 per team must be paid within 14 days of entry confirmation received at the Annual General Meeting and any club in default shall be fined £10.00 or otherwise dealt with as the Management Committee may determine, including removal from the competition.


3. The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the 30th June each year and at this meeting the following business shall be transacted:-

i) Minutes of the previous A.G.M. read, confirmed and agreed.
ii) Presentation of Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts.
iii) Election of Clubs to fill vacancies.
iv) Election of Officers, Committee and Auditors
v) Alteration of rules, if any, (prior notice having been given).
vi) Donation to Charity or Charities as decided by Members
vii) Cup Draw for ensuing season’s Competition shall be made.
viii) Agree Latest Dates for each round
ix) Any other business

Each Club shall be entitled to send two representatives to the Annual General Meeting but only one representative shall have entitlement to vote on any matter that may arise. Any club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting shall be fined £25.00.


4. (a) The Officers and Management Committee shall have the powers to apply and enforce the Rules of the Competition and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the Competition.  A club having failed to comply with an order or instruction of the Management Committee shall be liable to be fined or otherwise penalised at the discretion of the Management Committee. All decisions of the Management Committee shall be binding subject to the right to appeal to the Board of Appeal in accordance with rule 11.  Decisions of the Management Committee must be notified in writing to those concerned. All fines are to be paid within 14 days of the date of written notification.

(b) No member, in any circumstances, shall be allowed to vote on any matter relating to the Club he represents. In the event of any dispute or protest be representative of the Club shall not be eligible to sit on the Management Committee whilst such dispute or protest is being determined.


5. All players must be bonafide members of the Club that they represent, registered with their respective league prior to competing in this competition (matchday registrations not accepted).

To play in the final, a player shall have been registered and eligible to compete by the date of the Club’s semi-final. Where a semi-final is not played, a player must have been registered with their club for at least 28 days to play in a final.

No player shall play for more than one Team/Club in the same Competition (Cup or Trophy) in the same season. A player who has played in the West Essex “Cup” Competition shall not be eligible to play in the “Trophy” competition in the same season.

Contract players shall not be allowed to take part in any match in this competition.

A Club found proven of having fielded an ineligible player in a competition fixture shall be removed from the competition, subject to the match not being ordered to be replayed. The committee may further determine to reinstate the opponents from the match in question and/or to impose a fine.


6. Every club must register its colours with the Secretary. Goalkeepers must wear colours to distinguish themselves from other players and the referee. No player, including the goalkeeper, shall be permitted to wear black or very dark shirts.  Any team not playing in its normal registered colours must notify the colours in which they are to play to their opponents.  In the event of a colour clash the away team is to change.


7. (a)The AGM shall determine the commencing and concluding dates for the ensuing season which shall be in accordance with the Football Association Rules. No club shall be compelled to play after the concluding date. 

The first drawn club in each round (prior to the Final) shall have the choice of ground and shall be regarded as the “home” Club. In the event of the Club first drawn not being able to provide a suitable pitch for the date agreed, including where a pitch is deemed unfit for play, the opposing club shall have the choice of ground with cost responsibilities reversed. Where neither club can provide a venue, a neutral pitch may be agreed. All expenses for matches played at neutral grounds will be shared.

The management committee shall have the power to order that a fixture be played on or by a certain date and/or on a certain ground, and to set the cost responsibilities accordingly. Failure for a club to comply with such order shall be dealt with as having not fulfilled the fixture.

(b) The matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as determined by the International Football Association Board. All matches shall have a duration of 90 minutes ( 45 minutes eash way) unless a shorter time has been mutually agreed not less than 60 minutes duration (30 minutes each way).

In the event of a drawn match, a result must be obtained by penalty kicks, which are to be taken according to the Rules of the Football Association.

The kick off time shall be 10.30am, unless otherwise agreed between both clubs, the match official and Competition Secretary

The home team shall provide goal nets and also corner flags which conform to the laws of the game. The home team must also provide at least two match balls fit for play. Both clubs shall provide a fully equipped first aid box. Failure to supply will mean a fine of £10.00.

(c) Clubs who do not fulfil an arranged fixture on the day because of reasons beyond their control, and having considered the alternative provisions under rule 7(a), must inform the Competition Secretary on the day.

(d) A Club may at its discretion and in accordance with the Laws of the Game use 5 substitute players in any match in this Competition who may be selected from 5 players. A player who has been substituted himself becomes a substitute and may replace another player at any time subject to the substitution being carried out in accordance with Law 3 of the Laws of Association Football.

(e) Semi final matches must be played at least 14 days before the final. The Competition Final tie shall be played on such ground as the Management Committee may determine, with the Committee making all the arrangements in connection therewith.  Finalists shall be responsible for supplying two match balls each on this occasion.

(f) Each finalist will be responsible for purchasing a minimum of 20 programmes each, no later than 7 days prior to the date of the Competition Final.

(g) In the final, both competing teams shall be required to complete a Teamsheet containing the names and shirt numbers of the players participating in the match and presented to the Referee no later than 15 minutes prior to kick-off. Failure to comply shall result in a £10 fine.


8. Each Club competing must send to the Secretary of the Competition, within three days of the tie, the result of the game together with the names of the players who took part therein, failing which the Club shall be fined £20.00, and then £10.00 per week thereafter until the result sheet has been received by the Secretary.

The winning club is to phone, text or email in the result to the competition's secretary by 4pm on the day of the match.


9. (a)  Registered Referees are to be appointed to act in all matches throughout the Competition in a manner approved by the Management Committee. In the event of the non-appearance of the appointed Referee, the Clubs shall mutually agree upon a Referee and provided the game can be played to a finish it shall rank as a cup-tie.

(b) The Referee’s inclusive charge shall be £45.00 and shall be paid by the away club in the tie. Where appointed, Assistant Referees, shall receive £35.00 each, the cost of which shall be shared by both clubs.

(c) In the event of a match not being played because of circumstances over which the Clubs have no control, the Match Officials, if present, shall be entitled to half of their match fee, but where a match is not played owing to one Club being in default, that Club shall pay the Officials, if they reasonably attend the ground, their full fee.

(d) Any Club or player reported for misconduct by a Referee will be dealt with by the appropriate authority. Clubs and/or players serving suspensions under appropriate County FAs will not be able to participate in the Competition until their suspension has been lifted by the appropriate County Association.


10. (a) All questions of eligibility, qualifications of players or interpretation of the rules or any point not provided for by these rules shall be referred to the Management Committee whose decision shall be binding upon all parties subject to rule 11. 

(b) No protest shall be entertained unless lodged with the Secretary of the Competition within 3 days of the match and £10 protest fee payment deposited. Such deposit shall be forfeited to the funds of the Competition should the protest not be sustained.


11. A Club may appeal to the Board of Appeal appointed by the sanctioning authority against a decision made by the Competition’s Management Committee within 14 days of such decision by lodging the appropriate fee, which sum shall be retained or returned in whole or in part at the discretion of the Board of Appeal concerned.


12.  When the winning Club has been ascertained the Competition Cup shall be handed to the representative of that Club and the following agreement shall be signed:

"We A B, the Secretary of..........................Club and C D, E F and G H Members of and representing the said Club, having been declared the winners of the West Essex Sunday Charity Cup/Trophy (delete as appropriate), and the same having been delivered to us in good order and condition by the Honorary Secretary of the Competition do hereby on behalf of said Club, both individually and collectively, engage to return the same to the Honorary Competition Secretary on or before the 28th of February, in  a like good order and condition, and in accordance with the rules of the Competition to which we have also subscribed our name's.”  Failure to return the trophy in re-presentable state by the said date will result in a £25 fine.


13. No alterations shall be made to these Rules except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Meeting specially convened for the purpose. Seven days notice, minimum, to be given of all meetings under this Rule.


14. Each competing Club shall be deemed to have given its assent to the foregoing Rules and shall abide by the decisions of the Management Committee. Subject always to Rule 11. Each Member club must abide to the Football Association Code of Conduct.


15.(a)  All entrance fees from the Competition Final tie shall go to the funds of the competition. No salary or honorarium shall be paid to any person connected with the Competition.

(b) All monies shall be paid to the Treasurer. A statement of the finances of the Competition shall be submitted at each meeting of the Management Committee.

(c) The proceeds of the Competition less reasonable working expenses, shall be given to the charity or charities as decided by the members at the Annual General Meeting.